Privacy Policy
Cookies & Integrity
This website uses so called cookies. The cookies are temporary and are deleted when your browser is closed. On this website the cookies are used to give access to basic functionalities such as login and shopping cart. For the site to function properly the cookies need to be activated.
Man-up processes much of the personal information you provide as a customer. This information is never sold to a third party. It is exclusively used to improve your customer experience by allowing us to do things like; processing your order, charging you for that order, making sure your package is delivered to the right location and in time and to communicate digitally with you (for example, through newsletters).
We process the following information:
- Name, first and last name
- Contact information, such as email and home address
- Payment information (We never see this information however. It is treated by third party companies such as Visa, Mastercard or Klarna)
- Payment history at Man-up
- Order information, for example what item/items you have ordered
Contact Information to us and our Data Protection Agent
Man-up AB
℅ Gents
Andesitgatan 14D
254 68 Helsingborg
Phone: 0771-184 084 (for all queries, also GDPR)
Other Information
The following companies may get access to your information depending on which payment method you choose, how you choose to have your order delivered, etc:
PostNord - Delivery and marketing
Klarna - Payment method
Nets - Payment method
Adrecord - Marketing (affiliate program)
Paperplanes - Marketing
Google - Statistics, marketing
Divvit - Statistics
Hotjar - User analysis (heat maps, polls etc.)
Zendesk - Customer service
MailChimp - Newsletters
Facebook - Marketing
Prisjakt - purchase tracking and statistics
Our responsibility
We are responsible for presenting, to you, all of the personal information about you that we have processed if you request it. You also have the right to have your personal information adjusted if it is not correct. You have the right to withdraw your consent for us to process and handle your information and as far as the law will allow, you may ask us to delete your information.
To receive help with any of the matters written above, send an email to or call our customer service at 0771-184 084, they will make sure to put you in contact with the right person.